Diane DeLong

Diane DeLong

Diane DeLong is Senior Program Manager of North Star Youth Partnership. She has been working in the field of teen pregnancy prevention and positive youth development programming since joining Catholic Charities in 1997. Diane is a graduate of Iowa State University where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in Journalism and Mass Communications. She also completed the Nonprofit Management Institute Certificate through Yavapai College in partnership with Arizona State University.

For over 30 years, Jeffrey King has devoted his professional career to helping at-risk youth become the best version of themselves. As the current Clinical Coordinator for Child & Family Support Services, his approach to behavioral healthcare is to customize care to the specific needs of each youth.

Sometimes the best ideas to support youth come directly from teens themselves. Such is the case for Homework Help, a free kindergarten through eighth-grade tutoring program conceived and led by North Star Youth Partnership’s Peer Assistance & Leadership (PAL) program at Prescott High School.

Today’s teens face a myriad of issues and pressures like no previous generation. The rise of social media dangers and associated crimes has been prevalent in the media.

As adults, we know that life can change in the blink of an eye, but what is the best way to help teens understand how the choices they make can have life altering consequences? For the past 21 years, local youth organizations led by Catholic Charities’ North Star Youth Partnership, Matforce, and the Yavapai County Community Health Services, have a winning strategy to accomplish this mission.

Over the past 25 years, North Star Youth Partnership, a program of Catholic Charities, has established a strong network of volunteers and partnerships with schools, youth-serving organizations, and businesses in central and northern Arizona to provide youth with high quality programming.