Family Preservation

Catholic Charities has multiple programs that serve to strengthen families and cultivate parenting skills so parents can create a safe environment for their children. The Arizona Department of Child Safety refers parents to our Family Connections, Nurturing Parenting, Arizona Families F.I.R.S.T (Families in Recovery Succeeding Together) and SENSE (Substance Exposed Newborn Safe Environment) programs.

From the time she was born, it seemed that all the odds were stacked against Summer. She grew up with a mom who had an…
Parenting can be overwhelming. Trung Norris was a stressed father struggling to be a full-time parent after reunification with his 8-month-old son. Catholic Charities’ Family Connections…
Kristine hadn’t been using for long and didn’t think she had a problem. But when her addiction to substances led to the removal of her…
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