Irene, trafficking survivor
Growing up, Irene had it all—a
loving family and a healthy home.
But that all changed when she was introduced to addictive
substances. At just 19 years old,
she left home.
Irene entered the adult
entertainment industry by the
age of 24. Frequenting places like clubs and massage parlors meant
Irene was a target for pimps
and madams to lure her in even
deeper. It didn’t take long for a
pimp to get control of Irene.
He dropped her off on 51st Ave. and McDowell Road in Phoenix to make money for him. That night, Irene was arrested. She went to jail, unaware that she was a victim of sex-trafficking. She pleaded guilty to prostitution out of shame.
What felt like a nightmare turned out to be a blessing. When she was released from jail, Irene was required to report to Catholic Charities’ DIGNITY (Developing Individual Growth and New Independence Through Yourself) Diversion program. DIGNITY helps those who have been arrested for prostitution avoid re-offending.
That first day, she was unsure of what to expect. But that changed when she met Lois, an intake specialist for the DIGNITY program. Lois sat with Irene to do her intake and said, “You are worth more than the life you are settling for.”
A seed was planted in Irene’s mind. She had forgotten her worth until Lois reminded her of it.
Attending the DIGNITY classes gave Irene structure, community, fellowship, and an opportunity to work on herself. Lois greeted her every week with a hug and words of encouragement.
Today, Irene is a leader in her church and a Survivor Advocate. She is the manager of a trafficking recovery program, helping men ages 18-26 escape human trafficking.