As we and other nonprofits began to see our services and programs look more like life before the pandemic, the joy and satisfaction from witnessing our clients’ smiles in person was uplifting and motivating. While we were able to continue services with no interruption during the height of the pandemic, delivery had to be modified to keep everyone safe, so the return to in-person services has been extra special.

Among many notable accomplishments for the service year ending June 30, 2022, was our assistance for hundreds of Afghan refugees whose lives were in danger and fled the country when the Taliban took control. The amount of community support and offers of assistance we received was heartwarming. Our team was flooded with calls from Valley locals who wanted to donate goods, offer employment in their businesses, and volunteer to assist these individuals resettle in their new home country. To receive that level of response was truly inspiring.
In addition, our Mesquite Terrace affordable housing community ramped up construction right off the light rail at 19th Ave. just north of Camelback. Altogether, we’ll be adding more than 300 units of clean, safe, beautiful and affordable housing near the end of 2023 to add to the other affordable housing  communities in the Phoenix area. The Valley of the Sun, unfortunately, leads other large cities in terms of rent outpacing income at a rapid pace. When the development portion of these projects is completed by our affiliate, Housing for Hope and its development partners, Catholic Charities Resident Services specialists then step in to help residents build community connections and find the help they need to stay housed, which is just as challenging as finding affordable housing. By assisting with access to food banks, community gardens, free after-school activities for children, community potlucks and other events, many of the strains on income are mitigated to help residents feel stable and supported.

In the coming year, we look forward to providing assistance to thousands of those experiencing homelessness in the Bullhead City area as we celebrate the fourth year of the BHHS Legacy Foundation Christine Stamper Center for Help & Hope. With the only individual and family shelter in the city, our services were especially critical during the pandemic when so many resources were unavailable. By providing not just short-term shelter, but long-term case management and housing support for individuals, veterans and families, we are helping to provide permanent solutions as these individuals and families work to overcome barriers and challenges to self-sustainability.

Finally, I am excited to celebrate our 90th anniversary in September 2023. What a huge milestone of service and demonstration of resiliency we’ve shown together...from the Great Depression to World Wars to a global pandemic. Our services, our staff, our cadre of volunteers, and our geographic service area have changed a lot since 1933. But one thing that has remained consistent across decades is this: our unwavering commitment to walk alongside the most vulnerable each and every day, serving always in the spirit of the Good Samaritan.

Sincerely in Christ, 
Paul S. Mulligan, MBA, MTS President & CEO